[LIST] 31 Evilest Frieza Quotes (Scary)

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I think you’ll agree, Frieza is the evilest character in the entire Dragon Ball universe.

He’s gone to entire planets and mercilessly slaughtered everyone living on them. And along the way, he’s said some of the evilest things.


…we’ve all got to admit, the Frieza monkey quotes are hilarious.

Here are top 31 of the evilest Frieza quotes:

31.”I doubt I need an introduction, but just in case, I am the mighty Frieza and yes, all the horror stories you’ve heard are true.”

I doubt I need an introduction, but just in case, I am the mighty Frieza and yes, all the horror stories you’ve heard are true.

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30.”There are three things I cannot tolerate: cowardice, bad haircuts, and military insurrection. It is very unfortunate that our friend Vegeta possesses all three of these.”

There are three things I cannot tolerate cowardice, bad haircuts, and military insurrection. It is very unfortunate that our friend Vegeta possesses all three of these.

29.”Why you insolent tree monkey, I’ve had enough of this, you’re the one who’s going to pay. Talk, all you are is a bunch of talk. Allow me to show you something not even what your father saw in his lifetime.”

Why you insolent tree monkey, I've had enough of this, you're the one who's going to pay. Talk, all you are is a bunch of talk. Allow me to show you something not even what your father saw in his lifetime.



27.”How does a Saiyan have such incredible power? They are, after all, inferior creatures.”

How does a Saiyan have such incredible power They are, after all, inferior creatures.
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26.”Don’t be glum. You should actually be flattered. I’ve never had to summon this much of my power to defeat someone. Fifty percent of my maximum. That’s all that’s required for this.”

Don’t be glum. You should actually be flattered. I’ve never had to summon this much of my power to defeat someone. Fifty percent of my maximum. That’s all that’s required for this.

25.”Well, I’ve got to hand it to you. You’re the first one who’s ever hurt me besides my loving parents that is. Hm. It’s been so long since I felt pain. It’s such a strange sensation.”

frieza quotes

24.”Vegeta, face it. To fight with me is futile and useless. Just wake up. You’re blind and delusional. You keep going on about being a Super Saiyan, but it’s just a myth Vegeta. I’ve never seen one, have you? You’re such a chump. “


23.”Well, it looks like the tables have turned again my friend, and this time for the last time. So, are you ready for a taste of your demise? Because it’s coming up right now.”

22.”You are quite the comedian Vegeta. If only the rest of your Saiyan people were around to see the brave prince Vegeta now, huh? But, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…that really doesn’t matter, because I’ve got you cornered like a frightened little mouse. Oh, don’t worry, dear prince, I’m going to save you until I’ve taken care of your little Namek friend.”


21.”I suggest you go about your business Namekian. As of yet, I haven’t decided to kill you, but I’m real close. Now go before its too late. Please, it would ease my conscience knowing that I spared one of you.”

20.”Don’t look so surprised Vegeta! I’ll be right with you, but first I must exterminate the mighty midget.”

19.”The pain that you have caused me…I will return it ten-fold!”

18.”Oh, you rude little ruffian. Please. I don’t choose my real form because my power is too radical to control. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.”

17.”I always knew that you would turn on me someday, Vegeta, but I never knew when. Now, I see that you were just waiting for the stakes to get high enough before you played your hand. A valiant effort but in the end it just didn’t work, now did it? I hope you’ve thoroughly enjoyed your little rebellion, because now its over my restless little warriors. Now you die.”

16.”Don’t worry. It won’t hurt too bad. Really. Death is my specialty.”

15.”Observe. My left hand…it’s strength alone is enough to crush you like the little bug you are, so as a special one time bonus, today, I will fight you while my other hand is behind my back. So now that we’ve got the ground rules settled, shall we begin?”

14.”These Saiyans are proving to be quite a thorn in my side. It seems the more they fight, the stronger they become. Of course, I’m still much more powerful than they are, but if they keep multiplying their strength, then who knows what they might be capable of in the future. Best to eliminate them now, before they get any stronger.”

13.”You’d better because if you don’t find him within the hour, you’ll wish you’d never been born!”

12.”Before you begin your pathetic struggle to survive, I should warn you. Your chance of winning is nonexistent.”

11.”So, you are the ones, naughty. I don’t see how three shrimps and a burned out Saiyan managed to defeat the Ginyu Force, but now it’s your turn!”

10.” How dare you challenge me. Have you forgotten what I really am?! You better get that smirk off your face, Vegeta!”

9.”Ha! you are all going to perish and it won’t be pretty.”

8.”Oh Vegeta, it pains me to see you behaving this way. What a waste.”

7.”I have favored you so much. Why couldn’t just have continued to obey me? Yes, you’re just like your father aren’t you? The good king. You probably don’t remember your father very well, do you Vegeta?”

6.”Heh heh heh. That’s right. Get it all out. Live boldly…even if it is only for a few more moments.”

5.”A Super Saiyan, huh? Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it…heh heh heh…heh…that is if we ever come to it fool!”

4.”I say we torch the whole barrel of monkeys, what do you say Zarbon”

3.”Yes, because when one revolts, the others are sure to follow. You know, monkey see…monkey do.”

2.”The sun is shining, the ocean is a sparkling blue, the mountains can be seen in the background. It’s positively perfect. Now all we have to do is decide which one of you gets to die first.”

1.”(sarcastic) Oh…I beg of you…please don’t hurt little old me.”


These Frieza quotes were from Dragon Ball Super, Resurrection F, and DBZ Abridged. Also, quotes including him in his final form (Golden Frieza).

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